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Zookeeper Security

1 minute read

The metadata stored in ZooKeeper is such that only brokers will be able to modify the corresponding znodes, but znodes are world readable. The rationale beh...

SSL Encryption

5 minute read

Encryption solves the problem of the man in the middle (MITM) attack. That’s because your packets, while being routed to your destination, travel your networ...

Apache Kafka Security

1 minute read

Apache Kafka is an internal middle layer enabling your back-end systems to share real-time data feeds with each other through Kafka topics. With a standard ...


3 minute read

SASL and GSSAPI SASL and GSSAPI are frameworks that various authentication providers can be plugged into. People wishing to use Kerberos authentication in a...

Introduction to Logstash and Filebeat

4 minute read

Introduction to Logstash and Filebeat Filebeat FileBeat is basically a data-shipper that belongs to the Beats family. We can install this shipper on server...